I decided to offer an anti-hunter’s name as discount promo code.

It will come as no surprise to anyone paying attention. Hunters have had to deal with hate speech, evil comments and violent threats from anti-hunters for a long time.  We’ve seen good friends like Cam Hanes, Eva Shockey, the Drury’s and many others share stories of the hate-filled comments they receive on a regular basis. Typically, as ambassadors of the industry, we tend to take the high road by ignoring or deleting the comments. Once in a while, though, we’re able to return fire back at these anti-hunters through educational posts or correcting the unfounded information they’re spreading. And then, on rare occasions, we’re able to respond with a nice little zinger of our own.

Enter Maggie Gordon and yours truly.

Tree Stand Diaries

For those who don’t know, there are about 30 of us individual writers who author all your beloved content here on Wide Open Spaces. Some of us enjoy it as a creative outlet and a passion to share outdoor adventures. For others, it’s a full-time commitment and how we help support our families. Regardless, it’s something we all enjoy and work hard at to keep you informed, entertained, and up to date on the latest in the hunting and outdoor industry.

I author all of my writing through a blog called Tree Stand Diaries. Not long ago, Gordon targeted the Tree Stand Diaries author page with some hate speech. As mentioned, I typically make quick practice of ignoring and this kind of stuff.

Tree Stand Diaries

However, with some sweet new gear on the website, I thought it would be a great idea to celebrate and thank Maggie in a unique way. Rather than begin an online argument explaining all the errors in her post (and there were a lot), I had different plans. On behalf of anyone who’s had to deal with anti-hunters, anyone who enters the name MAGGIEGORDON as a promo code at checkout will receive a 10-percent discount. It’s that simple.

Tree Stand Diaries

Anyone who wants to read the original post are welcome to check it out here on Facebook. Let me issue a word of caution, however. It’s both inaccurate and terribly written. But at least we can all agree we learned something from this. “Cows and chicken are bread…”

Thank you, Maggie Gordon. Thank you.

Like what you see here? If so, click here to read more great hunting, outdoor, and shooting articles by Reid Vander Veen. Also, check out his writer page, Tree Stand Diaries, on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.


The post This Clever Response to an Anti-Hunter Feels Good appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.

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