It’s winter. The daylight is short. The nights are long and dreary. Air temperatures outside are cold, downright frigid at times. There’s probably some snow cover.
We are all spending more a lot of time indoors this season, aren’t we?
It is that time of year when we get that cooped-up, restless, nothing-to-do feeling that is referred to as “cabin fever.” Stuck inside, too many of us get weary and lethargic and spend long, endless hours watching TV re-runs or playing video games, neither of which really help to provide any relief. So, to use your time more creatively and release energy, here are some ideas for reducing cabin fever and curing the “I’m bored,” syndrome.
(1) Cook Wild Game. Dig into your freezer, grab a package or two of wild game you have harvested. Thaw it out. Try a different recipe with it. Visit the popular Food for Hunter’s blog. Maybe make a smoked, wild Canada goose breast meat sandwich with Norwegian cheese and a touch of horseradish as I did the other day. Remember, cooking is a soothing activity!

(2) Play with the Dog. Whether it’s your fenced backyard, a dog park or a leashed walk around the block, you and your canine companion will both appreciate a little exercise and fresh air. It has been said that dogs are winter role models and wouldn’t you agree? They love going outdoors and especially frolicking in the snow!

(3) Check Your Spring Outdoor Gear. The snow and Ross’s geese will be flying very soon. Nebraska’s 2019 archery spring wild turkey hunting season opener is March 25th. Our fishing waters will be ice-free before you know it. Why not examine and organize your gear and get it all ready for your favorite spring outdoor pursuit before it arrives. Better sort through your turkey hunting stuff and practice turkey calling, don’t you think?

(4) Watch a Good Outdoors-Related Movie. Think about it. What’s your favorite outdoors-related movie? We all have one. Pop some popcorn, snatch a soda pop from the frig, sit down and watch that flick with a friends or family members! In my case, it’ll be The Revenant, which is an Academy-award winning, 2015 movie that is based on the life of famous frontiersman Hugh Glass (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) and his early 19th century quest to survive in the American wilderness.

(5) Take a Walk. Bundle up, layer up, put on your stocking cap, grab the warm gloves and head out for a walk in your area. From sidewalks in the neighborhood to a nearby recreational trail, there are plenty of places to go for a stroll. You’ll burn some calories, smell the cool, clean, fresh air and get some Vitamin D on that simple walk! Getting your body in constant motion will do more for your well-being than you may come to expect.

(6) Photograph Birds.You don’t need expensive equipment to enjoy photographing birds in your backyard. See how many different bird species are frequenting your yard and capture them on camera for lasting images and to share with others on social media channels. Nearly everyone has fondness for birds, right? You could also participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count happening from Feb. 15-18.

(7) Ice Fish. Gazing down a hole drilled in thick ice and waiting for a fish to bite your baited hook might not sound like a good time, but for those of us who can’t wait until spring arrives to feel a strike, ice fishing is the solution. The winter sport of ice fishing gives anglers the opportunity to wet a line during the cold weather months while affording adventure and the chance to catch a legal limit firm-fleshed fish from the frig for supper. Link up with someone you know and trust who ice fishes or heed the ice fishing safety guidelines and venture out on your own.

(8) Look for Shed Deer Antlers. Deer antler-shedding season is underway and looking for them is a good remedy for cabin fever. Secure landowner permission, then scout the places where you deer hunt or where deer are known to hang out or bed in the wintertime. Shed antlers are often found along main deer trails between bedding areas and feeding areas, especially where those trails cross fences, creeks and ditches.

(9) Call and Hunt Coyotes. There used to be no cure for hunters who suffered “cabin fever” from the end of the late deer season to the beginning of spring turkey season. But now, hunters can enjoy a real challenge throughout the winter months because of coyote calling and hunting. Coyotes are abundant and widespread and present a wary, formidable quarry to draw close.

(10) Go Sledding. An outdoor activity that doesn’t take too much to do and will help rekindle your enjoyment of winter is sledding. Buy or borrow a plastic sled and locate a safe, accessible hill. Sledding is the ideal cure for claustrophobia. Be sure to check out the new sledding/tobogganing hill at the Mahoney State Park Activity Center where snow is made and groomed and plastic sleds can even be rented for a few bucks!

(11) Rent a State Park Cabin. You wouldn’t think that a cabin could cure cabin fever, but it can! Rent a warm Nebraska state park cabin for a night or two! Play fun board games, curl up in front of the fireplace with a blanket, roast a few marshmallows, make some me s’mores, have a cup or two of hot chocolate and watch wildlife out the window. Perhaps you’ll even plan a hike from the cabin if the weather is nice. That state park cabin provides a different indoor atmosphere for you and your family in a natural setting.

(12) Take a Scenic Drive. A wonderful way to experience the beauty of the Nebraska countryside is with a scenic drive on our rural roads, our gravel roads during a balmy, clear winter afternoon when conditions permit. Find out about scenic spots and overlooks near you. Have a park permit on your vehicle and end up at a Nebraska state park, historical park or recreation area to enjoy some snacks and drinks and snap a few pics.

(13) Fish Trout Streams. Believe it or not, there is an open-water fishing option in Nebraska during the coldest part of the winter and involves trout. Fed by ground water springs, many of Nebraska’s trout streams in the north and west, or at least stretches of them, remain relatively ice-free all winter. The rainbow, brook, brown and cutthroat trout in these waters can offer some fun bank or wade fishing action on some of the nicer winter afternoons. Plus, you could work on completing your Trout Slam challenge.

The post 13 Ways to Cure Cabin Fever appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.