Everyone knows that good bowhunting gear can get expensive and requires research to know what you want. With our awesome giveaway, you’ll get supplied with the best of the best and be ready for the season.
The Full Draw Bowhunter Giveaway is a chance to win $5,000 worth of new gear from all the industry’s major brands. One lucky winner will select a Mathews Bow of their choice, suit up with gear from SITKA, and win a Leupold rangefinder, Garmin Xero A1i bow sight, and Summit Stands Viper Level Pro SD. All the supplies that a seasoned bowhunter would need is in the prize package, but the only way to get in the running is to submit your FREE entry to the Full Draw Bowhunter Giveaway. You could be the winner of the prize valued at $5,000!
Enter The Full Draw Bowhunter Giveaway!
The giveaway winner will receive a gift card valid for any bow from Mathews Inc. as well as credit towards some new gear from SITKA. The Leupold RX-Fulldraw 5 rangefinder gives you accurate ranges on all your shots, and the Garmin Xero A1I Bow Sight can help you get the perfect shot and eliminate some guesswork. And the Summit Stands Viper Level Pro SD Treestand is a comfortable place to sit while you wait patiently for the perfect target to appear.
Enter The Full Draw Bowhunter Giveaway!
You don’t want to miss a chance at winning new bowhunting gear valued at $5,000. So don’t delay and enter the Full Draw Bowhunter Giveaway!
Enter The Full Draw Bowhunter Giveaway!
The post $5,000 Worth of Bowhunting Gear Up for Grabs appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.