Wildlife officials are looking far and wide for any leads.
Poachers are the never-ending thorn in conservation’s side. Despite the fact states give locals the ability to legally harvest animals to fill their freezers with organic meat–an invaluable privilege–some still feel the need to make their own rules.
Because of this, we lose quality wildlife before it can ever translate to conservation funding or legally obtained meat, as well as credibility as hunters in general.
In this case, which comes from Kittitas County, Washington, we see the worst kind of poaching, which ends with an illegally shot, world-class animal.
Last week, Washginton Department of Fish and Wildlife Police responded to a call from someone who was approached by suspicious man who admitted to “accidentally” shooting an 8×8 bull elk and said he needed a place to hide it.
The witness immediately called 911, ultimately leading WDFW officers to the monster bull, which was covered by stumps and cut-up trees nearby.
We Need Your HelpAn 8×8 Trophy Bull Elk was poached on Saturday the 12th along First Creek, near FS 3506 in Kittitas…
Posted by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Police on Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The witness said the the suspect was a 5-foot, 7-inch man in his 30s with trimmed goatee. He was dressed in full camouflage, with a fluorescent orange beanie, a Cabela’s backpack and a rifle.
The WDFW encourages anyone with information to step up and bring it forward by calling (360)-902-2936 or visiting wdfw.wa.gov and clicking on “violations” or text WDFWTIP to 847411.
Anyone who provides information leading to an arrest could be rewarded with cash or bonus points for various hunting opportunities.
Officers salvaged as much of the meat as they could, taking the quarters and the backstraps and donating them to the local mission.
The post 8×8 Bull Elk Poached in Washington appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.