Fishing with a completely balanced outfit is an important consideration. Your rod, reel, line and lures should be matched, to cast and fish most effectively with Mepps, The World’s #1 Lure! We understand there are multiple line types to choose from, we are focusing on monofilament line in this article.
We recommend using the following size monofilament line with your Mepps spinners:
- For Mepps spinners weighing 1/8 ounce or less, we suggest a 4-pound test line as maximum. Light line should be matched with size 0 and size 1 spinners.
- When casting Mepps spinners between 1/8 and 1/4 ounce, or size 2 and size 3 spinners, we suggest a 6-pound test line.
- For spinners in the size 4 and 5 range, our recommendation is 8 or 10-pound test.
- With Giant Killers and Musky Killers, a 15 or 20-pound test line is best.
Because of so many varying conditions, you may find it necessary to use a lighter or heavier line than we recommend.
For example, if you’re fishing with a size 0 or 1 spinner in heavy weed cover, you may find it necessary to use a heavier line than the 4-pound test we recommend. By the same token if you’re using a large spinner in open water where a fighting fish is unlikely to be able to wrap around any obstruction, you may want to use a lighter line than we recommend.
All monofilament line has a memory, which means when it’s casted it’ll retain a curl or coil as it comes off the spool of your reel. The curl in a heavier line creates more drag or resistance when casting. A heavier lure is needed to straighten out the kinks in a heavier line.
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