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Deer Vehicle Collisions: Where and When They Happen Most Often, Plus Avoidance Techniques

Deer vehicles collisions are a part of life in America. Here’s what you need to know. It’s not something to joke about: deer vehicle collisions are a serious threat to the safety of not only our wild whitetail and mule deer herds, but to our human driving population. Real injury and even death can result

The post Deer Vehicle Collisions: Where and When They Happen Most Often, Plus Avoidance Techniques appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.

Barn Owl Rescue

An Act of Devotion Nebraska Game and Parks district offices get many calls about wildlife. The call I received about stranded baby barn owls was no exception. A rural family was getting ready to tear down a dilapidated barn on their property when they noticed a baby owl peering over a ledge near the rafters. …

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Outta the Office

I do not do this often.  I blog regularly, no matter where I am, what I am doing.  But, I gotta tell you I may be off my schedule a bit here this coming week.  I will be traveling to a family celebration, a niece’s wedding.  Being out of the office, away from the computer, …

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Skunk Stories

If you have spent anytime in the great out-of-doors, you should have a skunk story or three.  If you do not, well, you need to spend more time outdoors. I can think of several.  How to arrange them. . . ? Chapter 1, In the Beginning I have heard lots of skunk stories.  Can remember …

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Nuts for Nuts in Nebraska

The days are getting shorter. The morning air is becoming crisper. Nature’s color show is just starting. The forest floor is beginning to be saturated with early autumn leaf matter as well as something else — nuts! Freshly fallen black walnuts on the forest floor along a creek bottom in southeastern Nebraska woodlands. Photo by …

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Don’t Call Me “Skipjack”

One of the frustrations of fish identification is that different fish are called a variety of common names.  Sometimes it depends on who you ask. That may not be a problem unless you are a pointy-headed fisheries biologist.  Then, calling the right fish by the right name is important.  That does not necessarily mean a …

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Trout Stockings

Gotchya! Not what you thought it was going to be, was it?  Ha. Believe me, even when the temperatures were a hundred degrees a week or two ago, my phone was ringing with questions about fall trout stockings.  They are coming.  They happen in October, every year.  When we have a schedule, we will let …

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Take Me to your Leader

It was a lesson learned.  Unfortunately, like many things in life, it was learned the hard way. It was a beautiful fall evening.  From what I could see, it looked like there should be a fish or two up feeding.  I bounced my crankbait off a rock, paused for just a split second, and felt …

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News Items, Sept. 14, 2020

Just a couple of news items I want to include in the ole blog today.  Yes, I know these are going to be of limited interest, but there are a few anglers who will want to know.  That is why I do it! After last year’s flooding, I noted that a number of pits on …

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“Are they biting?”

If you are interested in fishing, you have probably asked, or been asked, a million times if the fish are biting?  I am betting I have been asked 10 million. You likely have heard some smart alec reply that “they are always biting”. Guess what?  The smart alec is right!  Decorum dictates that I usually …

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Half Price!

Do not know how many folks have heard about this, but I am betting if you have not, a bunch of you will be interested! Youth half-price lifetime permit drawing open now If you know a Nebraska youth who likes to hunt or fish, now is the time to enter them in our online drawing …

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I have a nephew who just had a baby.  Well, actually, you know his wife had the baby.  It is their first, a boy, they named him “Colter”.  I like it. It reminded me of this meme I stole from the interwebs: I always said I thought a good name for a boy would be …

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Time to Combo

Well it’s here.  You can even feel it in the air already.  FALL!  Many of you have been counting the days until you will grab your bow, shotgun, or rifle and head to the field.  Nebraska is a great place for all of those outdoor activities and more.  My problem is having enough time to …

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