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Fishing State Park

Going to blog about a blog today.  The current issue of Nebraskaland magazine has an article by Justin Haag, Nebraska’s Fishing State Park?  Simply put, follow the link! Justin’s article is an excellent run down of the fishing opportunities on and near Ft. Robinson.  There are a bunch, and if you are spending any time …

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Scary Stuff

It is October.  The end of the month is Halloween.  Folks like to celebrate all things spooky and scary for Halloween.  Isn’t that strange?  Why do we like a good fright now and then? Oh, it is the adrenaline rush, no doubt about it.  It makes us feel alive.  The unknown also heightens our senses, …

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Fall Trout Stocking, 2021

Many of you have already seen the news release, but let me start with that: Rainbow trout stockings scheduled this fall LINCOLN, Neb. – Rainbow trout are being stocked in city ponds and state park and recreation area lakes across the state by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. These stockings will enhance fishing opportunities …

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Restoring the Blowout Penstemon

On Turner Enterprises’ Spikebox Ranch “Blowouts are sort of like anchovies — you either love them or hate them,” wrote the late Nebraskaland writer Jon Farrar. Among the blowout lovers are “ranch children who for generations have slid down a blowout’s steep sandy slope [and] artifact hunters who currycomb them hoping to find an 11,000-year-old …

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A Second Chance

A Retired Wildlife Ecologist Gives Back At first sight, a plains pocket mouse makes a lasting impression. There’s only one word for it: cute. It’s tiny and delicate-looking, with small ears and fur-lined cheek pouches. Retired wildlife ecologist Mike Schrad can identify one in seconds, as he does on this cool October morning, striding through …

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Update, Wagon Train

Going to highlight another project in my blog today.  Aquatic Habitat maintenance work is coming at Wagon Train Reservoir south of Lincoln: Aquatic habitat and sediment maintenance project to begin at Wagon Train Reservoir LINCOLN, Neb. – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will lower the water level at Wagon Train Reservoir 8 feet in …

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Updates, Water Levels

I have several water level-related updates to call attention to today.  The first one comes from one of our power and irrigation districts: Fall fishing at Keystone Diversion will not be available; NPPD plans maintenance work for the dam’s gates Columbus, Neb. – Fishing activities near the Keystone Diversion at Lake Ogallala will not be …

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Updates, Renovations

I have been outta the office for the past several days, most of the past couple of weeks.  I have a bunch of news item updates to get to in the coming blogs.  Let me start with some renovations that are happening: East Sutherland I80 Lake’s fishery chemically renovated NORTH PLATTE, Neb. – East Sutherland …

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Fishing the “Ding” Darling Tarpon Tournament and Exploring Ft. Myers and Sanibel

Chris Tilley

A trip to see Ft. Myers and Sanibel, Florida included one important mission: compete in the “Ding” Darling Tarpon Tournament. There’s a lot to like about the beaches of Florida, and I’d only gotten a few rare opportunities to experience them myself. That was before a recent invite to participate in the ninth annual “Ding” […]

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Northern Pintail: The Distinguishable Duck Species

Arterra//Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Here’s why we love to hunt and watch the northern pintail so much. Pintails are one of the ducks synonymous with waterfowlers everywhere due to their beauty, availability, and pure hunting fun. There are a lot of waterfowl hunters who have had a few pintail decoys in their arsenal at one time or another, and […]

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The Redhead Duck: An All-Time Favorite of Waterfowlers Everywhere

Readhead Duck

The redhead duck is a hunter’s favorite. Here’s everything you need to know about this beautiful waterfowl. Redheads can be found in virtually every flyway of North America making them a favorite of hunters and birding enthusiasts everywhere. They have some of the most beautiful plumage of any waterfowl out there, even in its simplicity […]

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Going to deviate from my usual blog schedule here for a few days.  Got a wedding to go to.  Yeah, it is kind of a big dill.  It’s my daughter’s wedding. Fortunately, it is a “destination” wedding.  I have only ever gone one place without taking my fishing gear–my own wedding.  Not going to do …

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Nebraska Oranges

Nebraska has oranges? Well, no, not really. But, sort of. Osage orange isn’t an orange though it may look like a bright yellow to yellow-green, grapefruit-sized, brainy-looking type of orange fruit. It is a fruit of the Osage orange tree, that is. However, the tree is more closely related to the mulberry tree. Enter its …

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Cinnamon Teal: The Early Season Waterfowling Favorite

USFWS Mountain-Prairie, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Get ready to learn a little more about one of our favorite game birds, the cinnamon teal. The Anas cyanoptera or cinnamon teal is one of the most easily recognized waterfowl species in North America, but not everyone gets to see it. Living, breeding, and migrating mostly in the west-central and western half of the […]

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The Sodapop Gang

I would tell you that I have never been in trouble with the law, but . . . . There was that time I was pulled over for knocking off a convenience store.  Had three nephews and my son in the pickup at the time.  None of them were even old enough to drive. . …

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Two Rivers Trout Lake Renovation

Let me give you a little update on a recent renovation that was completed.  Again, let me start with the news release: Two Rivers Trout Lake fish renovation completed LINCOLN, Neb. – Lake 5 at Two Rivers State Recreation Area has been renovated to remove unwanted species that invaded the lake during the 2019 spring …

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