Workers at the RustyRavin Plant Ranch had to shoo a hungry cow moose away from their cash crop.
The RustyRavin Plant Ranch and garden center is based in Kenai, Alaska so that will address a few questions about this video right off the bat.
It’s just that even the folks in Alaska have only so much time in the year to grow their crop of perennials, vegetables, and other greenhouse plants without having a freeloading moose help herself.
We were already thinking that their motto “Not your ordinary greenhouse” was meant more in terms of the variety of plants that they grow and sell, not so much the 500-pound critters that wander in to check the menu!
Yesterday afternoon we had a surprise “inspection” in our high tunnel. It’s quite crowded inside, but I was amazed at how nimble this young moose was. Other than tasting a few flowers, she did absolutely no damage.
Posted by RustyRavin Plant Ranch on Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Reviews on their page range from “great atmosphere, helpful and friendly staff, and the plants are great!” to “I love the unique varieties of healthy annuals they have here.” Suddenly we’re thinking that some Alaskan moose in the area have learned to write a recommendation.
All kidding aside, it’s amazing that an animal that size can navigate a greenhouse with all the low hanging plants without being, well, a moose in a greenhouse.
The Kenai Peninsula is renowned for its high density of big game animals, particularly the Alaskan moose. In 1985 the world record chinook salmon was landed by a sport fisherman in Kenai and weighed in at a whopping 97 pounds, a record that still holds up today.
Hunting for bull moose has undergone recent shifts, and it’s earning a good reputation.
In early 2019 the Alaska Board of Game Vice Chair Nate Turner announced that, “One of the most meaningful changes we made is going from a 50 inch and four brow tines to fifty inch and three brow tines antler restriction. I think that’s going to help a lot with the sub-legal harvest and just make it generally easier on the hunters.” They even altered the moose tag draw system to reflect a general season in at least one game management unit to give virtually anyone a chance at tagging out in the central part of the peninsula.
The bottom line is that Alaska has one of the healthiest moose populations on the planet, so if you’re plant shopping at one of the many garden centers she has to offer, you may just have yourself some competition for those prized petunias!
Our best advice is to let the moose have them.
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The post Cow Moose With the Munchies Finds Her Way Into Greenhouse, Digs In appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.