Hornady American Whitetail ammo is the company’s first ammunition line specifically designed and marketed for deer hunters.
Visit any sporting goods store and you’ll be greeted with an overwhelming variety of ammo choices. Especially for novice hunters, choosing the “best” ammo from such a big selection can still be pretty difficult. Hornady Manufacturing decided to take the guesswork out of the process for most deer hunters when they introduced their line of Hornady American Whitetail ammunition in 2013.
As the name clearly states, Hornady American Whitetail ammo is intended for the gigantic whitetail deer hunting market in the United States. That’s not an accident and Hornady was trying to make it obvious for deer hunters to recognize that line of rifle ammunition as ideal for their hunting situation. In fact, they were so successful in this regard that other companies have followed their lead with brands like the Winchester Deer Season XP and the Federal Non-Typical lines.
Hornady doesn’t just rely on clever marketing with the American Whitetail line of ammo, though. Like all of their other products, Hornady combines many years of ballistics know-how with the most modern components in the American Whitetail and the result is some very well-designed, high-quality ammunition.
All of the Hornady American Whitetail centerfire rifle loads feature the Hornady Interlock bullet, which is ideal for thin-skinned game. The legendary Hornady Interlock is known for devastating terminal performance on deer-sized game.
American Whitetail ammo is manufactured in the most popular deer hunting cartridges and bullet weights in use today. Depending on the exact cartridge, the ammo will fire a round-nose (RN), a soft-point (SP), or a boat tail soft-point (BTSP) Interlock bullet type.
While it’s not intended for long-range hunting like the Hornady Precision Hunter line of rifle ammo, the American Whitetail line still has a reputation for excellent accuracy. Loaded at conventional muzzle velocities, this ammo is a great choice for the vast majority of deer hunting situations at short to moderate range. It’s also designed to function reliably in semi-auto and bolt-action rifles.
Hornady American Whitetail ammo is currently available in the following calibers: .243 Winchester, .25-06 Remington, 6.5 Creedmoor, .270 Winchester, 7mm-08 Remington, 7mm Remington Magnum, .30-30 Winchester, .308 Winchester, .30-06 Springfield, .300 Winchester Magnum and .300 WSM. The American Whitetail line is not currently manufactured as handgun ammunition, but it is available as shotgun ammunition firing either a 1o-ounce or a 325-grain rifled slug.
Note that ammunition is not lead-free and is not legal to hunt with in every state (like California). Consult your local laws before going hunting with it.
All things considered, this is great ammo for hunting whitetail deer. However, it’s not limited just to whitetails and will also work very well on similar game like mule deer, blacktail deer and pronghorn.
So, regardless of whether you hunt with a .270 or a .30-06, consider loading up on a couple of boxes of Hornady American Whitetail ammo before the opening day of deer season next year.
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