Federal Premium Ammunition’s new website is what every hunter dreams of.
Hunters generally have a fairly strict routine. We usually swear by one gun, one brand of ammo, one go-to strategy for filling the freezer, etc. We usually have a specific place we go for each, too.
For those of us who tend to stick with what we know, Federal Premium just made buying ammunition a whole lot easier. If you’re someone who shoots Federal Premium ammunition like me, or if you’re indifferent, you can now navigate a well-organized website that’ll help you fill in some of the blanks.
Instead of staring at shelves of ammo trying to decipher which box of .270 Winchester shells is the best for deer season, you can now walk into a store prepared. The site’s improved search filters will make finding the right cartridge easy. Then the updated “Ammo Recommendation” and “Where to Buy” features will do the rest of the work for you.
Whether you hunt deer, waterfowl, upland birds, big game, small game or just like to shoot, Federal’s new site makes it easy to refuel.
“But that’s only the beginning of what the new, user-friendly website offers hunters and shooters,” said Federal Premium Senior Director of Marketing Jason Nash in a press release. “The new website signifies our longstanding commitment to quality, as well as educating and informing our consumers of our broad product lines. Leading the charge is our bold new Federal logo which signals a stronger, more focused and authentic branding approach.”
Some of the website’s other new features include:
- A ballistics calculator to assist shooters in understanding the differences in rifle or pistol trajectories
- High-production videos that highlight brand ambassadors’ stories in hunting and shooting sports
- Deeper research into reloading products and methods
- Improved user engagement, which includes the ability for website users to review and rate products, share experiences and upload images and videos
“The site allows visitors to experience the world of shooting and learn from the pros in 50 ‘Premium Moments’ stories featuring interviews with country music stars, YouTube influencers and champion shooters,” Nash said. “You can also subscribe to the industry’s best e-newsletter and get monthly updates on new products and news; view highlights from social media posts from Federal’s vast network of fans; learn about new products like the award-winning, industry-changing 224 Valkyrie and Heavyweight TSS; and perfectly dial in your shooting with data powered by the ‘Premium Ballistics Engine.’”
The new website is designed for all devices, too, so users can use it no matter where they are.
Federal has certainly raised the bar. They no longer operate an ammunition website, but rather a hub for hunters and shooters.
The post Federal Premium Ammunition Launches New Website appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.