Every year many of us have our boats brought into the marina to have them serviced for boating season. Most of us don’t ask our marina’s to do more than the general spring service package, but you should and here is a list of five things you should ask your marina to do this season.
- Install a wireless engine kill switch. FELL Marine the true innovators in wireless kill switch technology has a product called the MOB+. For $300 You can purchase their xHUB basepack, an extra xFOB, and two xBANDs or two xTAGs. You and your boat will be more safe this season by wearing wireless kill switch, instead of not wearing your manual kill switch. We all know you don’t wear your manual clip-on system. Visit fellmarine.com to order online and learn more about their product line.
- Last season when you put your boat away, did you think of changing your water separator cartridge? You should this spring and make sure you protect your engine. Visit this article from BoatUS for more details: http://www.boatus.com/magazine/2014/june/installing-a-remote-fuel-filter.asp
- Change your fuel filter(s). Some spring check-ups don’t include a new fuel filter. How you treat your engine is a must and what goes into it is very important. BoatUS for more details: http://www.boatus.com/magazine/trailering/2014/april/fuel-system-checkup.asp
- Lower unit oil needs to be changed yearly and is by far one of the best ways to ensure you engine runs well and prevents you needing a new lower unit down the road. Most general spring service packages include this service, but if you opt to do these things yourself you should make sure this is done yearly. BoatUS for more details: http://www.boatus.com/magazine/trailering/2015/october/replacing-outboard-engine-gearcase-lubricant.asp
- Finally the fuel hose. How old is your hose? Is it cracking? Hoses can break down from inside and affect how your engine operates; buy clogging the fuel filter or reducing the amount of fuel your engine is getting from the tank. BoatUS for more details: http://www.boatus.com/boattech/casey/fuel-system-maintenance.asp.
FELL Marine MOB+ installed, water separator changed, fuel filter changed, lower unit oil changed and new fuel lines replaced are all a must. Protect you investment by not forgetting to take good care of your vessel. Please use the included links to learn more about boat maintenance from BoatUS.
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