This Florida man had another thing coming.
Dana Loesch has a great segment on her daily radio show called “Florida Man.” In this segment, Loesch breaks down an incident involving a man from Florida involved in some sort of outrageous incident that normally lead to their arrest. When this story came across my news feed, I couldn’t help but hear the “Florida Man” theme music from her show playing in my head. If you couldn’t tell by now, what you’re about to read will probably make you mad.
As it was first reported, Mario Palacio, of Miami, was spotted by an office shinning deer on a state owned construction site. As the officer approached, Palacio sped away but was quickly pulled over. Moments later, a .30-06 rifle, a spent shell casing, and a dead 23-point buck were all discovered. It was then that Palacio was arrested for trespassing and poaching on state property.

Palacio likely would have gotten away with taking the deer, however the local police are all avid outdoorsmen. They knew a giant deer lived in the area and often patrolled the construction site hoping to get a view. A preliminary score of this giant deer put it just over 205 inches. More than likely, this buck will register as one of the largest ever seen in the state.
The post Florida Man Arrested after Poaching 23-Point Buck on State Construction Site appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.