Academy Sports + Outdoors has long been the go-to for my outdoor gear needs, especially when I’m looking for something that I can find elsewhere, but often not at the same level of election or at such a decent price. Ever since they took over the brand Redfield, maker of optics and other shooting accessories, I’ve been checking out their scopes and binoculars with a bit more interest. In a serious stroke of good luck, I was offered the chance to take a close look at another Redfield offering, only available at Academy. Now a brand new Waterproof and Fireproof 30-Gun Safe has found its new home in mine, and it’s already proving itself as one of the most valuable pieces of outdoor gear I’ve collected across my entire adult life.
After spending a couple months using the safe, I’ve manufactured some thoughts about safes in general, and specifically what makes this one ideal.
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Redfield Fireproof and Waterproof 30-Gun Safe
Why We Chose It
The spacious interior and ultimate security backed by the Redfield name made this the easy choice for a modest firearm collection.
Favorite Features
Easy-to-use lock mechanism, waterproof and fireproof factors, and manageable dimensions
Polymer barrel rests, two moveable shelves
Predrilled mounting holes require filling if not mounted to the floor
The Redfield Fireproof and Waterproof 30-Gun Safe is dang good at its job. The 16-gauge steel construction that includes insulation is able to boast a fire rating of 30 minutes at 1,400 degrees and a waterproof feature that keeps things safe at 2 feet for seven days. In addition to how well it’s protected against floods or fires, you’d have to be a crazy person to think you’d ever be able to break in or haul off with this safe.
The battery-operated lock is programmable by the user and the safe comes with two override keys just in case. I currently am only storing seven long guns inside, but there’s plenty of room for more, and I’m able to load it up with ammo, a couple extra riflescopes, and even a few valuables I hadn’t had a secure place for until now. If you take out the two removable shelves, 30 total polymer barrel rests are available, and the guns would wind up taking up the majority of the interior space. The internal width of 22.7 inches height of 53.5 inches is spacious, but it surprised me how quickly I used it up. The black powder coat finish on the outside is a perfect look for a safe like this.
I was able to get the safe out of my SUV and onto a hand truck without too much strain, and moved it through doorways and over carpeted floors without hassle. I was able to shove it a bit after getting it off the hand truck, but it still didn’t give off any sense of vulnerability to theft. Again, the size (55 by 25 by 17.5 inches overall) and weight (243 pounds, says Academy) is substantial enough to know it’s going to be a rock solid option for keeping your guns and gear safe.
My only minor beef with the safe is the lack of a built-in method for plugging the floor-mounting holes. I opted for a DIY technique, but would have appreciated an included plug that didn’t compromise the water or fire protection levels.
The peace of mind the safe has awarded me is probably the most important thing I’ve gained since I started using it. Prior to getting the 30-Gun Safe, my firearms were always locked in cases but stored in a not-so-perfect location, taking up a good amount of space. I had known for a while that was not preferred. Now that I know this gear is stored securely, and I’m able to keep track of everything in one place, my family and I just feel better about it.
The 30-Gun Safe from Redfield is listed at $799.99, which is more than reasonable, but lately Academy has had it discounted and it’s currently set at $499.99. That’s a steal, to be honest. That can always change, so be sure to check out the current price on Academy’s website.
If a gun safe has yet to be added to your assemblage of outdoor gear, I’d highly recommend the Redfield Fireproof and Waterproof 30-Gun Safe. Its balance of size and weight, plus the ability to store the important hunting tools I need to keep secure, make it a great choice.
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