Opening day of muzzleloader cannot go much better than this.
The opening morning of any deer season is the most exciting hunt of the year. Because you just never know what is going to happen and what may come running past your stand. In Oklahoma, muzzleloader hunters have a chance to hit the woods before the regular firearms season and those who take advantage can find themselves with a prime opportunity for a Sooner monster.
Such is the case with Whitetail Properties’ Rustin Hays. Conditions are perfect for opening day with a cold front moving through and the deer are on the move.
Hays is expecting it may take him several days to finally connect with his target deer, a beautiful old 10-pointer. However, he does not have to wait very long. Because the massive whitetail makes a sudden appearance within shooting lane.
Talk about a nerve-wracking hunt. We are not sure we would be able to keep it together like Hays did here. Waiting for a buck of that size to turn broadside and having it take so long to do it would probably fray anyone’s nerves. Who says hunting with something besides a bow cannot be exciting?
A buck like this is the perfect one to take out of the deer herd. He is clearly getting up there in age and likely does not have many seasons left anyway. It is also likely this set of antlers is his peak. Many bucks start going downhill after 6.5 years of age.
In any case, this hunt perfectly demonstrates why more hunters have been making Oklahoma a destination in recent years. There are some true giants roaming the rolling hills if you know where to look. And if you get the shot opportunity, it is likely you could bring home the buck of a lifetime!
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