Gun Reviews, Tips And Accessories
12-Gauge Slugs vs .270 Winchester: Which Ammo Stops Deer faster?

Since we like a good exchange of opinions as much as anybody else, let’s take a close look at two very good types of ammunition and their effectiveness at putting whitetail deer on the ground. Many hunters started off with a slug gun before graduating a mighty rifle. Still others started out with a rifle […]
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The 5 Best Over-Under Shotguns for Under $800

Over-under shotguns are an iconic weapon that has been around for centuries. These double-barrel shotguns have become a staple, and not only for just upland hunting. They have also developed what some would consider a trendy and antique image, which as a result has caused prices to soar for particular models. Don’t get me wrong–I […]
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300 PRC Ammo: Frequently Asked Questioned Answered, Plus Our Top Picks

More hunters than ever are picking up rifles chambered for the 300 PRC (precision rifle cartridge) these days. It makes total sense. The long-range centerfire round has proved itself both on the competitive shooting range and in the field on North America’s largest big game animals time and again since it was first introduced in […]
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The Best Ear Protection for Shooting Skeet, Birds, and Big Game

The importance of ear protection truly can’t be emphasized enough. Whether you’re shooting skeet, bird hunting, or are in the back country pursuing big game, it’s imperative that you wear the right protection to prevent damage to your eardrums. This can be applied to even those who aren’t shooting but are just nearby the shots. […]
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Steel Shot vs. Bismuth vs. Tungsten: What Gives You the Best Bang for Your Buck?

Have you ever been knee-deep in flooded timber, crouched alongside a tree as you watch a flock of mallards work your decoys like they read the script perfectly? You give them a few last feed chuckles as they cup their wings, and you make your shot. You swing perfectly with the appropriate lead, only to […]
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How To Hunt the Rain With Optics

It’s no secret that mist, and wet snow will make a rifle lens fog up. Sometimes those conditions will put water droplets right in the line of vision. When that happens, it sometimes gives us literally nothing to see through our scopes but water. This can impede you from making the shot in the wet […]
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Ammo Storage Tips and Solutions That Will Extend Shelf Life

People are stocking up on ammunition. That is no secret. Hunters and shooters have been hoarding whatever calibers they can find ever since the world was turned upside down in 2020. We are still feeling the after-effects of what was arguably the worst ammo shortage this country has ever seen. While my area of Michigan […]
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Rifle Scope Numbers: What They Indicate and What You Need for Hunting

Just like all the options for firearms and ammo, the wide variety of rifle scopes on the market today can make selecting the best model for your individual hunting scenarios challenging. You can research all the best brands, compare prices, and check out all the bells and whistles, but understanding the basics of how you […]
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22-250 Remington Ammo: Speedy Options From the Factory

In a world of increasingly fast rifle rounds, the 22-250 Remington still manages to stand out from the crowd. That’s mostly because it is not uncommon to find factory rounds that are doing a blistering 4,000 fps at the muzzle. The 22-250 is a screamer that carries that speed downrange. It is not unheard of […]
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The Best .35 Remington Ammo Still Manufactured Today

First introduced all the way back in 1906, the classic .35 Remington has helped many a hunter put food on their family’s table over the decades since then. The rimless, bottlenecked cartridge is a proven-again deer killer that can also bring down black bears and even elk in a pinch. The cartridge rose to prominence […]
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