Every hunter has encountered a deer or two while walking out their stand or blind. It happens to all of us sooner or later. Usually, it’s just a doe or two hiding in the thick grass or a ditch line, so it’s nothing to get too excited about unless your freezer is empty. But have you ever started walking out to your stand and ended up coming face-to-face with your target buck at only 45 yards? It’s really a dream scenario that probably everyone has thought about, but seldom does it actually happen.
Well, in this quick and extremely exciting video from Drury Outdoors, Steve Frantz is hunting his new farm in Missouri and is on his way to the stand during rifle season with the cameraman. The next thing these hunters know, a giant 10-pointer is running right at them.
Watch it all unfold in the video below.
Now that was an exciting hunt. We think this may be one of the best hunts on video we have seen in a long time simply because of how different and unexpected it was. You can’t plan an encounter like this out. They sometimes just happen. It was lucky that Steve chose the right stand placement, because he could have easily missed this run-in with a Missouri giant.
I don’t know about you, but I have always wanted to have a hunt play out like this. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve thought about something like this happening on the walk in to the blind in the afternoon or the walk back to the truck after a morning hunt. Still haven’t been lucky enough to have it materialize in 20 years of hunting, but I can hope after seeing it play out here!
What an awesome buck and an even better story to go with this hunt, Steve! Congratulations and thanks for sharing it with the world!
For more outdoor content from Travis Smola, be sure to follow him on Twitter and check out his Geocaching and Outdoors with Travis YouTube channels.
The post Hunter Scrambles to Make Shot After Jumping Monster Buck on Walk to the Stand appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.