Once again, QDMA brings us quality information that will make you a better hunter.
I don’t care if you have never hunted or hunted every day of the seasons for the past 29 years. Freshening up and studying the vitals area on a deer are something all hunters should do heading into the season.
With so many different targets, vital area posters, and experts telling you where to shoot, it can often get confusing. QDMA produced a small video here that is the best example I have ever found. With a anatomically correct display target, the video runs us through exactly where we should be focusing our shots at.
The spots differ for a bow and a firearm though. Check this out.
White-tailed Deer Shot Placement
QDMA's Kip Adams explains the safest and most effective place to shoot a white-tailed deer whether you are hunting with a bow or a firearm.
Posted by The Quality Deer Management Association on Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Shot placement is no joke. It can be the difference in whether you have meat in the freezer and antlers on the wall every year. Hunting is a game of inches, and when you miss that opportunity by an inch, it can be earth shattering. Not to mention, you risk a chance of injuring a deer and making them suffer. Which is something that all hunters strive not to do, and hate to see happen.
It is nice to see an extremely detailed vital display like this. One that is correct and takes into effect bone structure as well. Take a mental image and try to visualize this every time you shoot your bow, as well as when you have your sights bearing down on a deer this fall.
If you hit where he shows the arrows crossing paths, you are guaranteed to drill lung and heart. That results in a short blood trail every time, something we hunters absolutely love.
Once again, study, practice, and best of luck. These shots will give you the most room for error, and errors will happen. It is hunting after all.
Thanks QDMA!
NEXT: Why Not Dry Fire a Bow? This is Why
The post KNOW THE VITALS: Where to Effectively Aim On Deer with Bow or Gun for Best Results appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.