Stinkin’ weather.
Yes, I am getting to the point that I am becoming grumpy. No, it is not because of how long the winter has become, it is because it hasn’t been cold enough for me to be on the ice yet!!!! GGGGGrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
So, I have been entertaining myself with as many ice-fishing videos as I can find. This one is from a couple years ago, but it is very entertaining and there is a thing or two you might learn in the process.
Yes, I know it is all walleyes in the video, but the jigging techniques apply to any fish you may be targeting through an ice-hole.
I love watching the underwater videos because they are a great help to understand what is going on under the surface; they are a great help to interpret what you are watching on your depth-finder.
Make sure the ice is safe, and if it ain’t, be patient. Just try not to be too much of a scrooge to those who have to live with you!

The post Let’s Get Jiggy With It! appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.