One very fortunate hunter harvested a pending Pope and Young elk with the help of his daughter!
Bowhunter, Odin Warriner, of Kalispell, reportedly harvested a massive record elk on Labor Day weekend during the early elk hunting season. The giant 7×7 bull is a pending Pope and Young record book elk. He took the big bull elk in the Missouri River Breaks region. Elk hunters flock this area known for its great elk hunting.
Warriner took the antlers to the Sportsman and Ski Haus to have the bull measured. It green-scored an impressive 372 inches.
By calling Warriner lucky, we’re not taking anything away from his bowhunting skills. However, prior to the hunt, his 9-year-old daughter Olivia painted a picture on a rock for her dad. The illustration depicted an arrow heading towards an elk. He took that rock on the hunt with him.
Warriner shot the bull at a mere 22 yards. They only tracked the bull for 50 yards before they found it. The massive bull elk is estimated to be 6 or 7 years old, courtesy of Jim Williams, who examined the elk’s teeth.
Subsequently, the bull was scored by Jim Williams, the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 1 Supervisor, and Chuck Hunt, who is a member of Flathead Wildlife. They were at the Sportsman and Ski Haus measuring big game such as elk, mule deer and bighorn sheep at the event.
To put this elk in perspective, the minimum P&Y score for an elk is 260 inches. The current world record measures 430 inches.
Like what you see here? Read more hunting articles by Nathan Unger at whitetailguruhunting.com. Nathan is also the host of the Whitetail Guru Hunting Podcast.
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