HOW CAN I MAKE A LIVING IN THE FISHING INDUSTRY? – FISHING CAREER WORKSHOP: The Outdoor Industry‘s Education of a Lifetime. Align Your Talent and Greatest Passion to Make a Successful Living in the Fishing Industry. Registration is now open for the FALL 2017 FISHING CAREERS WORKSHOP, hosted by Al Lindner and Troy Lindner and boosted by a line-up of successful outdoor professionals whose diverse work spans the multifaceted sport fishing industry….Read More

EVINRUDE EXTENDS RUN FEARLESS SaLES EVENT THROUGH JULY BRP, a world leader in powersports, announced its industry-leading, eight year, factory-backed extended service coverage on all Evinrude E-TEC and Evinrude E-TEC G2 engines has been extended through July 31, 2017. “Due to the success of the best offer in the industry and following intense requests from dealers and customers, we have extended our Run Fearless Sales Event through July,” said Olivier Pierini, Evinrude director of… Read More |
The Inside Line on a New Jig!
Collierville, Tenn.- Greg Hackney has made a career as one of the most consistent anglers in the history of the sport of tournament bass fishing. He has amassed Angler of the Year titles and several event wins. Most of his success has come by way of targeting fish in and around shallow cover. We have even designed a line of “Hack Attack Heavy Cover” baits that are made for this application. The latest project between the design team at Strike… Read More |
Plano, IL – Fourteen years after helping to pioneer the injection molding process in America, Plano Molding Company founder Warren “Pete” Henning returned from a Florida fishing trip in 1952 with the desire to improve the tackle box. Tired of bulky metal boxes that rusted quickly, Pete set out to…Read More |
U.S. – now with more than 800 new lakes!
We’ve recently added more than 800 new lake maps in over a dozen U.S. states already this year. Why not visit a new lake this season! With up to 1 ft HD contour detail, you’ll be ready to catch more of those bass, walleye, crappie or any other species you’re after! To make it even easier, we’ve also added hundreds of fish attractors in many Kentucky lakes. Just look for the fish icons. On your plotter Choose Navionics+, HotMaps Platinum, or update your old card. On your mobile Get… Read More |
The Legend Lives On
The Legend Lives On Legend X unifies St. Croix‘s proprietary technologies into 2018‘s most advanced fishing rod
Park Falls, WI – In the aviation world, super top-secret aircraft prototypes are often designated with an X. These experimental X-planes are designed and built at remote facilities that are clouded in mystery – maybe even a bit of legend. Some of them may become public knowledge while others are scrapped when engineers – never completely content with…Read More |
FLIR Systems Announces Raymarine Axiom Pro
FLIR Systems Announces Raymarine Axiom Pro Advanced Multifunction Displays New High-Performance Multifunction Displays Offer Superior 1kW CHIRP Sonar Technology, Intuitive HybridTouch Control, and RealVision 3D™
WILSONVILLE, Ore. – FLIR Systems, Inc., (NASDAQ: FLIR) today announced the expansion of its Raymarine Axiom™ Multifunction Display (MFD) line with the introduction of the Axiom Pro. Designed for serious offshore enthusiasts and professional captains, Axiom…Read More |
Plano, IL– Plano invented the first molded plastic tackle box in 1952. The pioneers of tackle management have dominated the category they created in the 65 years since – engineering and building innovative tackle storage solutions that help anglers protect their passion and focus on the simple…Read More |
Underwater Cameras Go Interactive
Underwater Cameras Go Interactive, Multifunctional Aqua-Vu set to unveil definitive HD10i Pro Underwater Viewing System at ICAST
Crosslake, Minn.- Out on the water, a quiet battle rages on. The angling race for little known, rarely fished underwater locations has turned competitive, technology-driven. Sonar provides a colorful, though computer-generated interpretation of the lake floor; like reading a text description on a page versus viewing the living, colorful thing… Read More |
Grand Prairie, TX – Plano Synergy, a leading outdoor company providing thousands of individual hunting and fishing products across 14 major brands, has announced the hiring of Chris Russell in the position of Marketing Manager – Fish. Working under Plano Synergy VP of Marketing, Pete Angle, Russell will lead…Read More |
Wareham, Mass. – Navionics, the leader in content and location-based services for the recreational boating and outdoor markets, has released a software development kit (SDK) which enables iOS app developers to integrate the world’s best charts within their mobile apps. Navionics provides a complete cartography resource encompassing depth data in up to 1 ft/0.5 m HD contours, spot soundings, detailed shorelines, navigational objects and much more, all updated daily, which can enrich the user…Read More |
Tools for Work and Play
Tools for Work and Play St. Croix wows recreational and professional anglers with technologically advanced and handcrafted Legend Tournament Inshore
Park Falls, WI- Work… There’s a saying, “A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work.” And it gets infinite likes and shares on social media, despite its tiredness. For some anglers, fishing is work. And their rods are tools of the trade. Whiffing on a fish, not feeling a bite, inaccuracy and…Read More |
NPAA Member News:
Minnetonka, MN- Today, TonkaFishing LLC., Lake Minnetonka’s finest community of anglers who share a passion for fishing, announces the TonkaFishing Memorial: Break the Silence fishing tournament. Nick Cox, NPAA Member #395, Founder and Owner of TonkaFishing, is proud to stand behind this one-of-a-kind event to benefit SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices in Education). TonkaFishing, LLC is a year round full service fishing industry… Read More |
Future Anglers Learn from Ranger/Yamaha Angler Spencer Deutz in Moose Lake, MN
Future Anglers Learn from Ranger/Yamaha Angler Spencer Deutz in Moose Lake, MN July 1st, 2017 marked the first time a National Professional Anglers Association (NPAA) Future Angler Foundation (FAF) Youth and Family fishing clinic was held in Moose Lake, MN. In May 2017, NPAA member Spencer Deutz #552 and his wife Carley sat down and talked about hosting a FAF clinic in Moose Lake over the long holiday weekend. They estimated 20 Future Anglers would attend the clinic but that figure turned out…Read More |
Sportsmen of Tomorrow Big Brother Big Sister fishing Event at Lake Dorthy in Norton, Ohio
Due to weather the Future Angler Event on May 21, 2017 was rescheduled for June 25, 2017 to coincide with the Sportsmen of Tomorrows Big Brother Big Sister fishing Event at Lake Dorthy in Norton, Ohio. This event was a private party for youth attendees who are less fortunate or may be in a bad situation in an effort to get them into fishing with educating them about fishing basics. The event was huge success with 23 youth and 23 mentors in attendance. Food, fishing gear, a private lake, volunteers,…Read More |
NPAA Non-Profit Partner News:
Clean Drain Dry Initiative™ Honored
White Bear Lake, MN – The Clean Drain Dry Initiative has been honored once again with a special award for Outstanding Achievement by the Reduce Risks from Invasive Species Coalition (RRISC). The Board of Directors at RRISC announced that Wildlife Forever has been selected to receive the 2017 RRISC award for “Outstanding Achievement” in protecting the economy and environment from invasive species. …Read More |
Minnesota Rolls Out Clean Drain Dry Vehicle
White Bear Lake, MN –The Itasca County Invasive Species Program, in partnership with Wildlife Forever, unveils a new van wrapped to raise awareness by being tattooed with Clean Drain Dry. Uniquely designed to grab attention and turn heads, it also proclaims a common theme, Preserving Outdoor Traditions by preventing the spread of invasive species. The full-sized van can be seen throughout Minnesota traveling to events and boat access where officials…Read More |
NPAA Industry News:
The World’s Largest Sportfishing Trade Show Once Again Lives Up to Its Reputation
Orange County Convention Center – From exhibitors to buyers to media, representatives from the domestic and international recreational fishing and boating community converged on the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) in Orlando, Fla., July 11-14, for the 60thInternational Convention of Allied Sportfishing…Read More |
American Sportfishing Association Elects Board of Directors Members for 2017
American Sportfishing Association Elects Board of Directors Members for 2017 Industry leaders bring a wide–range of talent and experience to address the issues that impact the recreational fishing industry
Alexandria, VA – Four members of the American Sportfishing Association(ASA) were elected to fill two regional seats and two At-Large seats on the board of directors. Their terms begin October 1, 2017, and they will serve three-year terms. Last October, the membership voted..Read More |
Advocacy News:
Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce the Modern Fish Act Recreational Fishermen Laud Wicker, Nelson and Colleagues
Washington, D.C. – Recently, the recreational fishing and boating community praised the Senate introduction of the Modern Fish Act by Senators Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), John Kennedy (R-La.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.). The “Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Management Act of 2017″…Read More |
We Can’t Stop Now!
Now is the Time for Action! We can’t stop now! As you know, recreational anglers recently won some key victories with the 39-day extension to the Gulf red snapper season, and the appointment of Phil Dyskow to the Gulf Council. While these were important victories for saltwater anglers, our work is not done. A bipartisan group of senators has introduced the Modern Fish Act in the US Senate. This bill, along with its companion in the US House (HR-2023), gives us real hope that Congress will… Read More |
Trump Administration Delivers for Saltwater Recreational Anglers
Washington, D.C. – Recently, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross announced the 2017 Regional Fishery Management Council (RFMC) appointments and has shown that recreational fishing and boating are important to the Trump Administration. The appointments of Steve Heins of New York to the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council; Chester Brewer of Florida to the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council; and Phil Dyskow of… Read More |
NPAA Member & Partner Articles: |
Yamaha Pro Hamilton Comfortable Competing in Aluminum Boat
Yamaha Pro Hamilton Comfortable Competing in Aluminum Boat YOUNG ROOKIE ANGLER USING XPRESS®X-21 IN BASSMASTER®ELITE SERIES
Yamaha Pro Hamilton Comfortable Competing in Aluminum Boat Young Rookie Angler Using Xpress® X-21 In Bassmaster® Elite Series Skylar Hamilton has been bass fishing since he was six years old, primarily on rivers and lakes in southwestern Virginia and east Tennessee, and nearly always in an aluminum boat. He’s only 22 now, but last year when the young Yamaha…Read More |
Catching Panfish in Warm Weather By NPAA Member Gary Engberg
Catching Panfish in Warm Weather This time of the summer when the thermometer and water temperatures are 80 degrees or more and most lakes are covered with weeds and algae. Where does an angler go to catch some fish? Here is a good way to beat the summer blues or slow-down and catch some tasty panfish in southern Wisconsin and most Midwestern lakes. Early in the fishing season it’s relatively easy to catch fish and particularly panfish in…Read More |
As is often the case, one of the conversations we had with a customer on Facebook has led to a new blog topic for us. This time, we’re answering the question he had- Why does my car battery keep dying? It’s a common question, although there can be multiple answers. In the case of this customer, we asked what type of application the battery was being used in and he responded by posting a photo of a meticulously-detailed…Read More |
Travel Plans Find and catch fish fast on new waters
Travel Plans Find and catch fish fast on new waters Finding and catching fish on an unfamiliar body of water can be a challenge, but with the right mindset and strategies, it can also produce great fishing. “Whether you’re after lake trout, walleyes, bass or bluegills, the most important thing is not getting stuck in a rut and expecting fish in the new lake to behave exactly like those in your home waters,” says veteran trout and salmon guide Bernie…Read More |
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