That’s not the ride along this officer was expecting.
Colorado Springs Police Office Frabbiele had an interesting ride along on his cruiser. This September his temporary partner ended up being a raccoon. The critter just jumped onto his windshield.
Don’t believe me? Well, just check out these pictures posted on the Colorado Springs Police Department’s Facebook page.
Officer Frabbiele discovered that Raccoons do come out at night and was pawsitively surprised when one ended up on his…
Posted by Colorado Springs Police Department on Thursday, September 21, 2017
Apparently the trash panda ended up on his cruiser while the officer was en route to a serious injury accident. Personally, I want to see the dash cam footage with sound. If it was me that this had happened to, I would have a few choice and hilarious words to say to that raccoon.
As officer Frabbiele was able to pull over and get a few other pictures, it is safe to say that neither officer nor raccoon was hurt in this incident. The raccoon also got off the car under its own power, and was not detained for questioning.
There does not seem to be any inclination as to why this raccoon needed a ride or how exactly it got on the hood in the first place. Raccoons are common in Colorado Springs but most of them avoid people and especially cars.
The post Raccoon Hitches a Ride on a Police Crusier appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.