LINCOLN, Neb. – The list of Nebraska species of greatest conservation need has been revised.

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and other species experts recently reviewed and revised the list, which is identified in the State Wildlife Action Plan.

The development and implementation of the Plan is the goal of the Nebraska Natural Legacy Project. The Plan serves as a blueprint for conserving Nebraska’s native plants, animals, and their habitats by working collaboratively with partners, communities and individuals.

One of the federal requirements of the Plan is that it identify species of greatest conservation need within the state. These species are at-risk of being lost from our state or going extinct. The Natural Legacy Project recommends conservation strategies to prevent that from happening.

The updated list of Nebraska’s at-risk species is available in a supplementary document to the Nebraska Natural Legacy Project. The Revision of the Tier 1 and 2 Lists of Species of Greatest Conservation Need, along with the State Wildlife Action Plan, is available online at

The next comprehensive revision of the Plan, which will include the revised list of species of greatest conservation need, will be completed in 2021.

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