Sporting life

Rifle Scope Numbers: What They Indicate and What You Need for Hunting

rifle scope numbers

Just like all the options for firearms and ammo, the wide variety of rifle scopes on the market today can make selecting the best model for your individual hunting scenarios challenging. You can research all the best brands, compare prices, and check out all the bells and whistles, but understanding the basics of how you […]

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Bowhunter Smokes 4 Does and a 10-Point Buck During a 20-Minute Hunt

Bowhunter Shoots 5 Deer

Plenty of hunters have shot more than one deer on a single hunt before. I did it myself once many years ago. It’s always a satisfying feeling when you fill up the freezer quickly. That said, we’ve never seen a hunting video quite like this latest one from YouTuber Chris Bee. He’s bowhunting an area […]

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New LaCrosse Women’s Boots Debuted for 2023


LaCrosse Footwear–and its sister company Danner–have been producing some of the best boots and shoes for women heading into the field for years. The LaCrosse women’s Alphaburly Pro and Windrose have become staples in my year-round kit for everything from warm-weather running and gunning to late-season archery sits. The boots do their job well–and without […]

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