Congratulations to Siu Lau for winning the recent Spotlit Subject Assignment with the image, “Golden Moment.”
“It was my first trip to Yosemite National Park,” says Lau. “From research, I found that Glacier Point is a good spot to photograph sunset. My wife and I went there a little early, and after about half an hour of scouting, I found this spot that has a couple of trees in front of Half Dome. I set up my camera and waited. There were some dark clouds in the back of Half Dome, and the valley started to get dark. When the soft sunbeam shined on the top of Half Dome, the intense contrast between the Dome and the background created this golden moment.”
Canon EO 5D Mark III, EF 24-105mm f4L at 32mm, Gitzo tripod. Exposure: 1/6 sec., f/13, ISO 200.
See more of Siu Lau’s photography on Facebook.
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