I am very sure not a single Nebraskan will ever forget 2019. In fact this month of March is going to remind many of us of unpleasant memories.
I have blogged several times about last year’s flooding and its impacts, but I want to return to the subject one more time. Many of our fisheries resources were impacted by last year’s flooding, and yes, recovery is going to take some time.
Recently, Eric Fowler published a comprehensive story on the subject in Nebraskaland magazine:
2019 Flood: $19 million in Damage, Game and Parks Still Working to Recover
Those of you interested in our fisheries resources and fishing will find a good summary of some of last year’s impacts. However, take the time to read the entire story. There is a lot more there.
Oh, and of course some good pictures too!

The post The Floods appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.