Wrap your tag around a late-season buck using any of these little-known strategies.
Late-season deer hunting is one of the most realistic times to tag a big buck.
Mature bucks become slaves to their stomachs and food sources become key, but let’s explore more cold-weather tactics for late-season hunting.
In the bitter cold, when the rut activity has come to a screeching halt and deer movement has decreased, it’s easy to get discouraged. But with these late-season deer hunting tips, you’ll have the best chance of tagging a deer.
Stay Close to Bedding Areas
During the later part of the season, deer will stick close to bedding areas and venture to nearby food plots. Setting up nearby will help ensure a shot at a deer in daylight. Strategically planting food plots or setting up near agricultural fields will generally do the trick. Additionally, soybeans offer a great choice when it’s bitter cold.
Accounting for Hunting Pressure
You should always consider pressure from other hunters when developing a plan. It’s not just deer hunters, however. Many different tracts of public land host upland hunters in the late season.
On the plus side, fellow hunters will often push deer right to you. Set up on escape routes and capitalize on this late-season approach.
Don’t lose focus when the season starts winding down!
Bonus Content
Between Jeff Sturgis’ insight and our list, you should be well on your way to tagging a late-season whitetail.
The post Two Effective Ways to Hunt Deer in the Late Season appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.