With many early bowhunting seasons already in full swing in some states, the Realtree Road Trips crew isn’t waiting around to get started. They’ve headed to Nebraska, and they’ve got their eyes on a monster buck they’ve nicknamed “Mr. Perfect,” after the late, great, pro wrestler. These guys already have some nice deer on the ground during this early part of the trip, but there’s no question Mr. Perfect is the nicest of the bunch that’s running around. In this video, Tyler Jordan is exhausted, having just flown into Nebraska earlier that day. They decide to go out and hunt for this monster buck anyway and it doesn’t take long before they spot him.
Waiting for the giant to walk into bow range is a whole different matter. The big buck first shows up far out of bow range and takes almost two hours to slowly meander his way close enough to the stand for Tyler to get a shot opportunity. When that opportunity comes, Tyler makes the most of it with a perfect heart shot.
It doesn’t get much more nerve-wracking than that. Having to watch the buck of a lifetime take his sweet time walking to your stand is enough to rattle even the most experienced of hunters. Fortunatley, Tyler kept his cool and nailed a perfect heart shot. It didn’t look like the shot got a lot of penetration, but it wasn’t really needed. It’s safe to say from the deer’s reaction that he never knew what hit him. We love those short recoveries like this one.
In case you were wondering, Tyler said in the comments that this buck has green scored 170 5/8. Not quite as large as the monster he bagged in Georgia last year, but this is still the buck of a lifetime. Most hunters can only dream of seeing a buck like this once in their hunting career. Tyler has bagged two in back-to-back seasons. Congrats Tyler, we look forward to seeing what the roadtrips crew does the rest of this season.
For more outdoor content from Travis Smola, be sure to follow him on Twitter and Instagram For original videos, check out his Geocaching and Outdoors with Travis YouTube channels.
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