Fred Bear takes a Polar Bear with his recurve bow in this amazing vintage footage.
I’m a sucker for old-school things. Whether it’s movies, music, sports or even hunts, it just has this extra flare to it that I love. Seeing old footage of Michael Jordan or Magic Johnson in the NBA makes me think back to a time I wish I could have witnessed. Listening to old tapes of Waylon Jennings or Hank Williams Sr. makes me appreciate their work in a changing music industry. For some reason, it just feels more special than what’s out there today.
Well, this video of Fred Bear hunting a polar bear with a recurve falls under the same category. Seeing the legend Fred Bear himself is awesome to watch. You hear so many stories of how he transcended the sport of hunting, that seeing footage of him hunting with a recurve bow really puts things into perspective.
Bowhunting Mania brings us this epic footage:
Fred Bear Takes Polar Bear with Recurve
#vintageHow often do you get to see Fred Bear take a Polar Bear with a recurve? These vintage hunts are amazing.#FredBear #BeastMode #Recurve
Posted by Bowhunting Mania on Thursday, February 8, 2018
It’s really refreshing to watch. There’s no sponsor plugs or crazy graphics, just a legend chasing some wild game with a recurve. It makes your mind run wild imagining all the crazy hunts and stories Bear could tell about his recurve.
What can I say? I love old-school stuff, and this video hit the spot.
The post Video: Fred Bear Takes Polar Bear with Recurve appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.