First you hear it, then you see it. This is what it looks like to be run over by all the mallards in your honey hole.
How hard would it be to wait for shooting time if you saw this come swimming towards you in the light of your headlamp?
We’ve all had ducks in the water in front of us before shooting time, but this is ridiculous!
Here’s the video:
Posted by Wyatt Tourtillotte on Sunday, January 28, 2018
Ask any duck hunter and they’ll tell you this is a good problem to have!
This used to happen to my friends and me, usually when we were hunting on Lake Ontario or the St. Lawrence River.
They will swim or flap away, settle down, and come back in singles and doubles all day long.
The post Video: When Your Duck Hunting Spot Is Overrun…with Ducks appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.