Our Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Service Center/Office in Omaha at 8495 Frederick Street has reopened for business! Stop by!
We were closed for more than six months due to a fire on July 23, 2018 that occurred in the Frederick Plaza where we are located. Our space suffered extensive smoke and soot damage and had to be renovated from installing a new HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system on the roof to new carpeting and flooring.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and are grateful to the fine Game and Parks staff at the Schramm Education Center near Gretna, NE for helping our customers with purchases while the facility was being restored. My staff and I worked elsewhere during this time doing computer/online tasks, answering phones, monitoring the restoration, being in the field, representing the agency at events and performing our normal functions.
You are welcome to visit our service center now to buy outdoors-related permits/stamps and NEBRASKAland magazine subscriptions, plus get your legally harvested bobcats tagged, ask questions of us or pick up informational brochures and literature.

Our office hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through (closed on state-observed holidays). And yes, just like before the fire, we are also open over the lunch hour to assist you!
We are glad to be back and look forward to seeing and serving you!

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